Detecção de fatores de risco cardiovascular em estudantes da cidade de Fortaleza




The appearance of cardiovascular risk factors is most common during the childhood and adolescence phase, critical periods to unchain the conditions for the cardiovascular disease which will set in the adult life. To evaluate the cardiovascular risk factors in students of public schools in the Fortaleza-Ce. It is a quantitative, descriptive, exploratory and transversal study, conducted in two public schools in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, involving 493 children and adolescents between the ages of 7 to 17 years old. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire, anthropometry and gauging of blood pressure. It was collected data referring to risk factors for family history for cardiovascular disease, nutritional state, blood pressure levels, physical activity and life habits (obesity, high blood pressure, sedentary, smoke and alcoholism). Of the 493 students, 112 (22.7%) were classified as being overweight/obese, being 50 (21.6%) of them male and 62 (23.7%) female. The risk factor with most prevalence within the studied population was in relation to the level of physical activity, with 82,2% classified as insufficiently active, whereas a small ratio of the students (1.2%) had cardiovascular risk due to family history for cardiac diseases. The high blood pressure in the male population was identified in 58 cases (25.1%) while in the female, 46 (17.6%). For the factors related to life habits, the prevalence for smoking and alcohol drinking were predominant in the male students with 10,8% and 35.9% respectively. It is of sum importance to implementation of monitored programs of these risks factors in the young student community of Fortaleza, aiming to prevent and treat these cardiovascular risk factors so that the repercussions are, in majority, ceased precociously.


adolescentes - doenÇas cardiovasculares - dissertaÇÕes escolas pÚblicas - fortaleza (ce) - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva crianÇas - doenÇas cardiovasculares - dissertaÇÕes fatores de risco - dissertaÇÕes

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