Desvendando aspectos de linguagem no ENEM : uma contribuição para o processo educacional brasileiro




The ENEM, Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National Examination for Secondary School), is an institutional form of assessment that is part of one of the governmental measures to promote students self-evaluation in relation to the language capacities acquired throughout school education. The exam also enables the Ministry of Education to assess the quality of the teaching proposed by the Brazilian educational policy in official documents. The exam is mainly aimed at students taking the last year at secondary school, and its principal objective is to assess if the competences suggested as essential for human development have been acquired and if the students are able to solve the proposed problem-situations. The producers of the exam, members of a committee chosen by the government to fulfill that task, make the exam based on data collected from previous tests and according to the criteria established by the regiment that guides the educational practices, both in pedagogical and institutional ambits. That provides subsidies for the elaboration of questions of interdisciplinary scope and the activity of text production. Our aim is to present an overview of the political and administrative issues that interfere with, and may (re)direct, teaching and, from that, reflect upon how educational policies are settled and used as organizers and guidelines of pedagogical practices for the conception of teaching and learning. In order to achieve this aim, we analyzed the exam, not only in terms of linguistic aspects, as a language codified organization, with the mere purpose of evaluating reading practice and the interpretation of the assessed items, but as a discursive configuration resulting from a human action in a social context which, in its turn, results from multiple aspects (physical, social, historical, ideological, political, etc.) involved in the organization of the exam. The theoretical background consisted of the vygotskian and bakhtinian orientations that found the socio-interactionist theory, as well as the socio-discursive interactionism and Bronckart s (1999; 2006) model of analysis. In relation to the analysis, methodologically speaking, we focused on the aspects of the text infra-structure to describe the general plan of the exam, bearing in mind the organization of the global textual plan in order to reveal both the intentions and purposes of the governmental organs and the probable consequences of the exam for the community. In this way, we realized that the ENEM, as a whole, bears political and burocratic purposes of the State which, by means of linguistic and discursive strategies, manipulates the student s actions aiming at the taking of the test. The results obtained exert strong influence in the individuals who submit to it, which makes the ENEM a powerful factor of social inclusion or exclusion.


avaliação educacional. discourse analysis interacionismo sócio-discursivo análise do discurso gêneros textuais educational evaluation interacionismo sócio-discursivo avaliação educacional. discourse analysis educational evaluation

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