Desobramento: constelações clínicas e políticas do comum / Unworking (Desoeuvrement) clinical and political constellations of the common.




Operating in the very writing another way of thinking and working the clinic, free from its humanitarian utopias and from its productive, utilitarian and socialistic requirements is the proposition of this text. Interwoven in invented narratives, the clinic comes up here as fables in their points of contagion with some art mentioned in experiences occurred in the projects of the Ueinzz theatre group and of the Experimental Studio (PACTO USP) collectives constituted by those whose trajectories have been marked by madness, by deficiency and/or social vulnerability. The text faces the difficulty of saying what should not be said, telling the unlivable of an experience which, however, cannot help being witnessed. To this complication the urgency of a professional daily life is added, whose starting point is occupational therapy which when dealing with limit situations demands answers which one cannot omit, and which, due to that, require daring stances to support some indetermination and not to go for any easy way-out based on one´s will, and in their correlated exercises of coercive power. The importance of the de-subjectivation processes target on favoring in the clinic other sensibilities, other health, which do not pry into other peoples life, but which invites it to other experiences. In narratives, some experiments are exposed and, in an attempt to avoid predictable and illustrative enchaining, strategies of telling fables are adopted, handling elements of the memory of collective situations in order to see in a verisimilar fiction their circumstantial truths. The migration of concepts of the field of philosophy and of the arts to the ambit of the clinic and politics takes place by assemblage and juxtaposition: Deleuze and Foucault device; Agamben anyone; Deleuze and Guattari multiplicity and occurrence; Virno general intellect; Bataille, Nancy and Blanchot common and desoeuvrement. The common comes up in clinical and political constellations raised to activate the alive in the occurrences; and desoeuvrement is the presentiment of new ethics which does not do any work and from which we can have a glimpse in the clinic, in its professional performance and its modulations in the scripture.


desoeuvrement terapia ocupacional educação desobramento common clinic occupational therapy comum clínica education

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