Deslocamentos espaciais da população e dinamica economica no Estado de Santa Catarina : urbanização, migração e metropolização - 1950/2000 / Spatial population movements and economic growth in the state of Santa Catarina : urbanization, migration and metropolization - (1950/2000)




This work explores the relation between economic development and migration fluxes in the State of Santa Catarina, in the South of Brazil. The focus is in the period between the IBGE Demographic Census of 1950 and the Census of the year 2000. Based on regional and urban development theories it is presented a interpretation of the economic determinants of migration in this particular State of Brazil. Santa Catarina have 8 different regions, and the most of them present a high leveI of industrial specialization. This fact result in a mosaic of regions each one comanded by a city that plays the role of regional center. In this sense, each region presented a different timing of industrial and urban development what cause different kinds of migrantion fluxes. The last chapter changes the scale of the work and turns attention to the .metropolization process of the cities near the state s capital, Florianópolis. The objective of this focalization is to investigate how migration is an important piece in the engine that determines the distribution of the poverty between the cities of this metropolitan area.


urbanization urbanização migration migração

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