DESIGUALDADE DE RAÇA ENTRE AS MULHERES Participação racial e de gênero nas categorias gerentes, empregados especialistas, empregados qualificados e supervisores no Brasil - 1992 a 2005




This work should be able to confirm the following scenario: Considering the significant advancement of women in occupations requiring higher education and exercise of authority at work, and looking the contours of race in that setting, white women have achieved more than women black and, in part, even than the white men and black men, converting their education in more advantageous positions and with access to authority, with repercussions on their income, which has changed the profile of gender in categories of the middle strata employees of Brazilian society. To this evidence, this work walk through the theoretical understanding on the issue of social class, gender and race


desigualdade raça gênero ciencias sociais aplicadas

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