Desenvolvimento local e turismo no Pólo de Porto de Galinhas - PE




The purpose of this work is to contribute for the understanding of the influences of the tourism activity in the development of a region, a time that, the tourism in the current world can be a chance of new businesses, promoting, as well, the diffusion of cultures, distributing income, besides acting as an auxiliary tool in the preservation of the environment and historical sites, making possible to the man the access to leisure and the entertainment. However, so that the tourist acts in a sustainable way the locality must make use of resources, adequate infrastructure and a conscientious and engaged community in the sector, so that this wont cause negative impacts. The Tourism in the region of Porto de Galinhas was adopted as case study, located in the south coast of the state of Pernambuco, in the city of the Ipojuca, which had its prominence inside of the tourist segment in the state and for this activity to be the main axle of the growth and consolidation of the area. The central axle of the research is to analyze the impact (positive and negative) of the tourism in the local population and its projections. For this the study it was subdivided in four distinct parts: the two first ones are about the theoretical referencial with the study of the concept of the tourism, its process of evolution and of the construction and evolution of the Brazilian politics for the sector, and, third, that it all deals with the implantation process, expansion and consolidation of the tourist activity in the studied space and fourth it presents the joined results. The present work constitutes in an important tool so that competent researchers and agencies have a current database for possible interventions in the studied region.


turismo porto de galinhas arquitetura e urbanismo porto de galinhas tourist planning planejamento turístico tourism sustainable tourism turismo sustentável

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