Desenvolvimento, globalização e politicas sociais : um exame das determinações contextuais dos projetos de reforma da educação e da saude brasileiras da ultima decada




Education and health care policies are products from complex relationships between the economic-social and political-ideological dimensions from a certain historical context of capitalism development. Having this relationship as presupposed and the particular characteristics of the Brazilian capitalist development process as a reference, we analyzed, in this paper, the educational and health care policies as determined, in the last instance, by the current economic-social and political-ideological conditions. In this movement, we tried to understand the globalization and development systems categories and the relationships established with education and health care, going beyond the inner analysis of public institutions, because the critical study of education and health care policies, through the understanding of its relationship with the economical base and the ideological superstructure, it´s only possible by the analysis of the way of capitalist production and its development ways. In this perspective, we started from the comprehension that the basic educational and health care policies integrate the economical reform conjoint and, therefore, are circumscribed to the reform and modernization process of the State and its political and economical objectives. We affirm that, in the globalization ideology context, basic education and heath care are considered essential variables to administrate the poverty, contributing to the social and political stability and , at the same time, creating minimal favorable conditions for the implement of economical adjustment policies, because the implementation process of these policies there is an agreement between BID and BIRD in which the State must offer the basic supply, in education and health care, to provide answers to immediate demands, seeking the protection of vulnerable groups. We checked that the educational and health care reforms are enrolled in the more ample context of the economical reorganization of the country and, this way, the objectives determined by BIRD and BID, in the loans of sectoral and structural adjustment and the strategies determined by these institutions, support the modernization and reform process of the State, from the definition and implementation of national policies submitted to conditions expressed in their loan contracts. The articulation and convergence of orientations and the proposals in the projects financed by BIRD and BID for the Basic Educational reforms (Elementary school) and health care modified the administration and financing forms of these areas, by means of decentralization strategies (through privatization, participation of NGOs in the performing of theses services, the realization of partnerships with the community and the education and health care municipalization), based on the construction of managing criteria to promote the competition, quality, productivity (internal and external efficiency, efficacy) and the economical rationality (cost-benefit relationship) in the distribution and usage process of public resource. We tried to demonstrate, this way, how the basic education and health care policies incorporated and consolidated these concepts, enabling the economical objectives of sectoral and structural adjustment policies and, at the same time, contributing to the reform and modernization process of the Brazilian State and the education and health care public institutions.


educação e estado social care policy state reform foreign financing politica de saude - brasil politica social - brasil health care policy financiamento brazil brazil brazil brazil education policy politica e educação

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