Desenvolvimento de um método de seleção de prioridades de demandas de uma comunidade em um processo de orçamento participativo fundamentado no pensamento sistêmico




The contemporary instability that generates constant social and political changes, drives the organizations to find out new strategies, even so far as to those that aim at the market competition, as these that have the aim to improve the methods by which are being realized through work. Considering that some organizations and methods have the necessity to be flexible, speedy and efficient, this research needs to improve the work method by giving the opportunity of growing at the same time as putting the events into context, becoming an abstract objective, which will be dynamic and complex. Organizations with many specifications, like the public sector, live with the distrust of the people, and with innumerable types of management without methodological help, therefore they are vulnerable to a dynamic complex of reality. Opportunely, this study proposes to investigate how the concepts, principles and practical approaches of systematic thinking can contribute to the methodology of the public management of the peoples chosen budget, at the same time, having a prioritization of the demands, the present research of methodology, characterized by a qualitative approach and the exploratory ways, having the research strategy of the case study, to obtain empirical subsidies and a study of theoretical references of the concepts of systematic thought, similar to the methodologies of prioritization in demands of other ways of application of the participatory budget, to obtain these theoretical subsidies which are fueling the research. We are hoping to contribute to the management of knowledge generation as in the development of technique methodologies in the adaptation of acquired knowledge


gestão pública pensamento sistêmico orçamento participativo organizações públicas administracao

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