Desenvolvimento de um estudo piloto de uma pesquisa que visa identificar fatores de risco associados às infecções pelo HIV, hepatites B, C e sífilis em população carcerária / Desenvolvimento de um estudo piloto de uma pesquisa que visa identificar fatores de risco associados às infecções pelo HIV, hepatites B, C e sífilis em população carcerária




Introduction: Confined populations are exposed to circumstances that increase their vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections. HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, encounter at the prison system an environment favorable to their dissemination. Studies in confined populations are surrounded by bureaucratic, ethical and security barriers. Thus, a pilot study is of great importance -for identify obstacles and opportunities that may arise during the implementation of the main study. Objective: implementation of a pilot study on risk behaviors associated to the dissemination of HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis in an incarcerated population. Methods: Cross Sectional study. In July of 2007, in a convenience sample, 107 prisoners were interviewed, face to face, using a standardized questioner. The study was approved by the Human Subject Committee of the Hospital das Clinicas of the School of Medicine from the University of Sao Paulo. Results: the research protocol was strict followed: institutional meetings of the direction and the different professional teams of the prison system; invitation to participants in close contact with prisoners representatives; signature of the consenting forms after the invitation and before the questionnaire was applied. Meetings were conducted to adjust the questionnaire. Interviewers were trained. A dataset using Microsoft Office was elaborated to allow insertion of the data collected. Subjects represented 16, 5% of the prison population. Participants were young, average of 31, 1 years of age. The length time in prison was 18, 7 months in average. The average of the initiation in the use of legal drugs was 14, 7 and illegal drugs 16, 6 years of age. After the arrestment there was a diminishment of the use of drugs, and no injection of drugs was reported. Tattoo inside of the prison was reported by 55, 1%. STI were reported by 41, 2% in life and by 34% in the last month, and 2, 5% reported to be HIV positive. 53, 8% maintained the same amount of sexual relation that they had outside of the prison. From the 28, 6% that regularly used condoms, 26, 3 regularly used inside of the prison too. Interviewed that were involved in aggression were 78, 5% verbal and 65, 1% physic, and 33, 6% refereed being threatened of dead. Marijuana, Alcohol and crack were the drugs involved in such circumstances. Discussion: The pilot study has tested the instrument of research, its applicability and ability to identify risk factors for transmission of the mentioned infections, both within or outside of the prison. The training of interviewers favored both the familiarity with the instrument, as the appropriate contact secure and ethical - with inmates. The experience with this reality has contributed to map vulnerabilities in the implementation of the main study. Limitations of the study: serology and analysis were not part of the pilot study, therefore postponed for the main study with adequate sample. Questionnaires may present problems with the information obtained. Many of the information may not match the reality; both, information or memory biases could be identified.


hepatite c pilot study fatores de risco prisons sífilis hepatitis b estudo piloto prisões hepatite b risk factors infecções por hiv syphilis hepatitis c hiv infections

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