Desempenho de codigos TCM sobre aneis em canais com desvanecimento




This thesis presents the performance of coded modulation with convolutional codes over rings of integers modulo-8 on fadinf channels. The performance is obtained by computer simulation and it is given by curves of Bit Error Rate (BER) versus Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Basic concepts related with codes modulation, characterization of digital modulations, codes modulation with convolutional codes based on rings of integers and fading channels are presented. The fading channels considered in this study are: Rayleigh, Rice and Land Mobile Satellite Fading Channel. The channels are non selective in frequency. The performance of ring-TCM codes are compared against their Ungerboeck counterparts, with same bandwidth and information data rate. Soft decision maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding using Viterbi algorithm is assumed. The utilization of interleaving/deinterleaving is explained and taken into account in the comparative performance analysis


aneis (algebra) - codificação codigo de controle de erros (teoria da informação) comunicações digitais modulação digital telecomunicações - codificação

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