Desempenho da metodologia para isolomento e contagem de Escherichia coli 0157:H7 em leite e queijo e sua ocorrencia em queijo minas frescal produzido comercialmente




In a first experiment, it was evaluated the tolerance of Escheríchía colí 0157:H7 and natural contaminants found in Minas frescaI cheese to antibiotics used in selective culture media. It was noticed that E. colí 0157:H7 exhibited low tolerance to novobiocin concentrations above 30 mg/L, although the use of 100 mg/L is indicated in some isolation media. The microorganism was less tolerant to antibiotic combination (cefixime at 0,05 mg/L, cefsulodin at 1O mg/L and vancomincin at 8 mg/L) when compared to the natural contaminant cheese microflora what could be a drawback concerning the use of these agents in selective culture media. In a second experiment, the selective media MacConkey sorbitol (modified), HC according to Szabo (1990), Rainbow 0157, modified EMB and modified S039, supplemented or not with cefixime (0,05 mg/L) and potassium telurite (2,5 mg/L) were evaluated for E. colí 0157:H7 counting, with the bacterium inoculated in Minas frescal cheese and milk samples, both submitted or not to thermal treatment. Ali the tested media were inadequate when used for bacterial counts in the samples with high natural contamination (without thermal treatment). However, when the cheese samples with lower contamination were analyzed, the media HC and modified S039, both supplemented, showed superior performance (95,9 and 95,0% recovery, respectively). In milk analysis, HC medium was the most efficient (85,3% recovery). The Most Probable Number technique showed an inadequate performance for E. colí 0157:H7 counts. For the qualitative evaluation of E. coli 0157:H7 it was evaluated BPW+3 antibiotics broth according to Blanco et a/. (1996), mEC+n (Okrend &Rose, 1989), mTSB (Padhye &Ooyle, 1991), FOA proposed method (1998) and the immunoenzimatic method [email protected] of the tested methods showed superior performance for E. calí 0157:H7 recovery in inoculated cheese samples in the presence of the natural microflora. However the FDA method was the most efficient among the classical ones, while the TECRA@ assay was the best concerning E. calí 0157:H7 recovery and no false negative results. The results suggest the need for improvment in the methodology for E. calí


queijo escherichia coli leite

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