Derramando susto : os escravos e o Quebra-Quilos em Campina Grande




The main objective of this paper is to investigate the involvement of slaves in the popular Revolt of Quebra -Quilos (the smashing of weights and measures), a social uprising which started in the ancient town of Campina Grande in the Northeast of Paraiba from late 1874 until early 1875 and spread out to villages and other towns in the four provinces of the north of the empire. Our assumption is based on the fact that the local captives had their way of life as a reason to give the movement a specific conotation. To provide the incidents with total historical inteligibility, it was essential to return in time to search for polítical and cultural experiences which strongly influenced them. Such a network of influences, secretly achieved most of the times, was burst by slaves and even by men who had been set free with the purpose to enlarge and hold their chances of freedom before their masters as the slavery institution underwent a growing precess of dislegitimization resulting from both the disruptions inside the communities of free men and the enslaved workers historical struggles. To meet the goal of this work, we searched for direct and indirect evidences from the research conducted through documents recorded as well as the contact with the biblíography concerning the topic by questioning even the silence of the texts


escravos nordeste conflito social - brasil liberdade escravidão experiencia

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