Dependência química - uma entidade invisível: cegueira e silêncio, os guardiões dos segredos nas famílias




The aim of this study is to investigate the functioning of families whose children are chemical dependents. One of the major concerns of the present investigation is to shed some light on the mechanisms due to which it takes parents a long time (period of latency) before they are ready to face their childrens addiction. In this sense, the study proposes to go deeper into a clear understanding of the reasons for the anaesthetized-like behaviors typically displayed by the parents of drug addicted children, and how they prevent parents from recognizing and talking about the problem for very long periods. Qualitative research was carried out to elucidate the mechanisms involving drug addiction and the long latency period that preceded the moment when the parents effectively began dealing with the problem. The study sample involved 4 families whose functioning was analyzed from the conceptual perspective of the Systemic Familial Therapy (S.F.T.). Inclusion in the study was permitted for parents whose child was a chemical dependent, and the latency period elapsed between the onset of addiction and its discovery by the parents being no shorter than one year. Data collection was basically achieved by means of family trees. More extensive data about the subjects was further obtained during the clinical consultations through linear, circular, strategic, and reflexive questions, when clients were encouraged to think about their own problems, thus enabling the clinician to have a better understanding of the functioning of these families. It was observed among these families that there are protective rules for chemically dependent and violent fathers, as well as protective rules for family members who violate social rules. All cases enrolled in this study, the chemically dependent children were compared to their fathers, and not to their mothers, since the female role is associated with submission, and of secondary importance. Despite the lack of intentionality, and due to the irreparable harm they caused, all possible reasons that might have accounted for the behaviors of every family have been extensively analyzed


latency period family blindness. período de latência dependência química family cegueira familiar toxicomania família drug abuse psicologia

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