Dentists profile analysis in the Family Health Strategies in the cities belonging to the DRS VII Campinas São Paulo / Análise do perfil do cirurgião-dentista inserido nas estratégias de saúde da familia das cidades pertecentes à DRS VII - Campinas - São Paulo




The objective of this study was to analyze the work of the dental surgeons working in the cities of the Health Regional Department VII (DRS VII) Campinas, São Paulo, and that use the Family Health Strategy (ESF) as basis of the health care model. We verified the professionals profile and the lines of direction of implementation as per praised by the Health Ministery. The ESF is a powerful instrument capable of organizing the work process in the healthcare settings, changing the previously healthcare model that was centered in the professional, and with focus in the systems users. To achieve the full performance in the health family, abilities and specific knowledge are required. One of the objectives of this study is to know if the studied professionals achieve this profile. Many advances were observed, as multiprofessional work, community health agents incorporation, systematic meeting of the team, among others. However, we found that many problems and challenges must still be surpassed, as per: reduced access; lack of human resources; excess of demand; few actions in the territory; lack of effectiveness of the social control; lack of continuing team training and inadequate work conditions.


profile sus perfil health family strategy saúde bucal oral health estratégia de saúde da família unique health system

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