Demonstrações bijetivas em partições / Bijectives demonstrations in partitions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents some results about partitions of integers numbers and their importance in the history of Mathematics and in the Theory of the Numbers. To find bijective demonstrations in partitions it is not easy. But, after finding them, to understand and to prove some Identities of Partitions becomes agreeable and easy. This work intends to be didatic and of easy understanding for future researches made by students interested in this subject. It contains basic and important definitions about partitions, the Ferrers Graphics, demonstrations of interesting results as the Bressond s Bijection and the Euler s Pentagonal Theorem. It also details the importance of the generating functions and some results due to Sylvester, Dyson, Fine, Schur and Rogers-Ramanujan


teoria dos números partições (matemática) números inteiros euler teorema de funções geradoras identidades combinatórias number theory partities (mathematics) integer number euler s theorem generating functions combinatorial identities

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