Deficiência, gênero e práticas de saúde: estudo sobre a integralidade em atenção primária / Disability, gender and health practices: a study about integrality (comprehensiveness) in primary health care


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to investigate how women with disabilities are received in primary health care facilities and how these women and primary care providers who assist them give meaning to the practices developed. Women with disabilities still have few actions aimed at their needs in primary health care services. Despite the attention given to the female population in primary health care facilities, they still dont recognize specificities of women with disabilities, such as issues related to their sexual and reproductive rights. Through a qualitative research 39 providers were interviewed in three primary health care facilities in a region of São Paulo city, and also 15 women with different types and degrees of disability, reproductive age, users of these services. Seven of these women are mothers of more than one child, and three of them had children after the acquisition of disability, which corroborates the fact that a significant portion of women with disabilities are sexually active and need attention on sexual and reproductive health. The providers said that the presence of disabled women of reproductive age in general was scarce, and reported that their health needs were more determined by the type and degree of disability than by socio-cultural determinants of gender. They recognized gaps in their training to address disability and gender - which reveals the predominance of concepts, based on common sense - and highlighted the need for services to invest in physical accessibility, communication and attitudes. For the other side, the users have reported difficulties in accessing services, which included lack of transportation, physical and communication barriers, prejudice and unwelcoming attitudes of some providers. They evaluated as positive the provision of home care for those who couldn´t go to the service


assistência integral à saúde atenção primária à saúde comprehensive health care disabled persons gender and disability gênero e saúde pessoas com deficiência primary health care saúde da mulher women´s health

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