Defect engineering in H and He implanted Si




The present work relates an investigation of H2 + and He+ coimplanted (001)-Si substrates. The phenomena of blistering and exfoliation were studied by SEM as a function of the implantation parameters (energy, fluence, current and H/He ration) and annealing protocol. A window behavior as function of the implanted fluence was observed and two distinct fluence dependents mechanisms of exfoliation were indentified and discussed. The microstructure of the implanted samples was studied using TEM and related to ballistic effects and stress-strain dependent interactions. The strain was measured using DRX and a model to describe the stress-strain distribution into the implanted layer is developed. A new phenomenon of delamination of thin layer from implanted Si substrates was observed to emerge from particular implantation conditions. The behavior was studied and explained using fracture mechanics concepts and contrasted to blistering/exfoliation processes. Finally, the elastic interaction between He and H plate-like precipitates giving rise to arranged nanostructure was demonstrated and studied using TEM. An elasticity based model was developed to understand the behavior. The result set the basis for further developments of nanostructures within a crystalline matrix by manipulating preferential orientations of precipitates in nanometric scale.


implantacao de ions silicon ion implantation hidrogenio hélio helium elasticidade hydrogen drx silicio met strain sem elasticity silicium implantation ionique hélium hydrogène drx met contrainte sem Élasticité

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