De Cachoeira a Belém: a inflexão das ilusões de Alfredo / From Cachoeira to Bethelem: the inflection of the illusions of Alfredo




This paper tries to demonstrate, through the journey made character Alfred, along the itineraty that goes from Cachoeira to Belém city, in a dalcidiana creation, the process of gradual disalienation of a boy who little by little becomes a young man. The building of his personality is through a very suffering process, wich in this heros life leads him to a necessary shock caused by some disillusions. Confronting with am bivalent feelings, with stages indecisions and indefiniteness, Alfred goes making his own way through the labyrinth of his being as the city also represents a not less challenging labyrinth. In this integration process, the final aim is the rescue of humain dignity which is not limited by the being of a hero; Alfred embraces a large political projet which is sought as a popular alternative.


ficção brasileira - pará - século xx human dignity imaginário jurandir, dalc?dio, 1909-1979 - s?c. xx -chove nos campos de cachoeira - cr?tica e interpreta??o brazilian fiction imaginary jurandir, dalcídio, 1909-1979 - pará ilusões ficção brasileira - pará- sec. xx chove nos campos de cachoeira - crítica e interpretação dignidade humana illusions political project. literatura brasileira projeto político. disalienation desalienação

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