Das relações (im)possíveis do feminino com o inapreensível: interlocuções entre psicanálise e cinema




This paper investigates theoretical psychoanalytic constructs in Freud and Lacan, and critic successors who refer to femininity constitution, women relationship with the constitution of human subjectivity and to destiny of subjectivity articulated to some possible effects on the practice of Women representation in cinema. Initially, there is a discussion on the relationship between language and psychoanalysis, considering the former is included in all analytical processes, from theoretical constructs to techniques. Following, it shows what Freud says hysterical language is and Lacan, hysterical discourse, taking as reference literatures that are dedicated to clarify the term. Next chapter describes how clinical structures, in particular, the hysterical neurosis, are related to symbolic registration and castration. And finally, femininity is considered as a possible inheritance of hysteria, refocuses on issues relating to castration, to phallus, its unique relationship with speech and even to the unrepresentative. The discussing of exposed concepts follows by analyzing two films: The girl with a Pearl Earring and The hours. These are films that enable a questioning of feminine position representation and psychic matted involved, by cinema, also engaged in setting up and the removal of meanings in our culture


castration mulheres no cinema feminilidade hysteria psicologia femininity psicanalise e cinema castração cinema and psychoanalysis histeria

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