Dano em placas laminadas devido ao impacto a baixas velocidades. / Damage in laminate plates caused by low velocity impact.




Laminate composite materials have high structural efficiency, however it is jeopardized due the low strength to impact loads. The objective of this work is to develop a numerical simulation methodology that estimates the damage in laminate plates caused by low velocity impact. Experimental tests were performed on laminate plates reinforced with weaven carbon fibers and epoxi resine. Three thickness plates were evaluated. The impact loads were transversal and punctual. They were done with drop-test, the impact energy range is between 5J and 94J, and the velocities were lower than 6m/s. The numerical simulations were done with FEM commercial code with explict integration. Two lamina failure criteria were evaluated. The first is the maximum stress. The second is a proposed modification of the Hashin failure criterion in order to be applied on the fabric laminates. Four lamina degradation criteria were evaluated too. The numerical contatct loads between the plate and impactor were well represented. The numerical damaged areas and lengths were similar or greater than the experimental results.


laminate composite materials danification criteria resistência dos materiais damage strength impact materiais compósitos poliméricos imperfeições e falhas dos materiais failure criteria

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