Da prática à teoria. Da teoria à práxis: uma pesquisa intervenção com professores universitários sem formação pedagógica / From pratice to theory - from theory to praxis: a research intervention with university teachers without pedagogical training




By focusing on teaching university in the country, this research intends to investigate the intervention of higher education teachers of medical science without pedagogical training. This research is based on Karl Marxs studies about historical and dialectical materialism. I believe this theory allows us to understand man and society in its concrete possibilities. A critical analysis of the capitalist system developed by Marxist theory becomes the basis of the human beings development of the historical-cultural psychology and Historical-critical pedagogy which underlies this research intervention. The intervention process of this research occurred through the implementation of Educational Workshops with a group of university teachers in the area of medical science without pedagogical training. Such studies related to university pedagogy, points to some similarities. Firstly, the feeling of loneliness experienced by the beginner teachers who do not find the relevant pedagogical support to perform their work. Secondly, they tend to teach by copying their former teachers who are not trained to teach these professionals. The research intervention analyzed class activities focusing on transforming the practice of some teachers who were taking part in Pedagogical Workshops. The discussion about the need to review the course syllabus, the evaluation system, the planning, etc, are related to the social reality. Moreover, we still have many academics in need of understanding the teaching and learning process who are not supported by their institutions, having to cope alone with these issues besides having to cope with the demands of academic productions. This reality does not allow teachers to be in touch with the critical pedagogical practice making them attend academic demands rather than working as truly educators


psicologia educacional university teacher formação pedagógica psicologia histórico-cultural pedagogia histórico-crítica university pedagogy materialismo histórico dialético historical-dialectic materialism professor universitário

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