Da busca de ser professor : encontros e desencontros




Basead on the narration of teacher?s history, this paper is interested in presenting the history of the constituition of the teacher, concerning language. In order to explicit the constituition of teacher, by and with the language, the narrator starts building up and making up history full of conflicts. A history that, even by its techinical instrumentality or by the chains of the expressing action, tries to define itself by the constituition?s means in the realtionship between two individuals. Troughout the created diakiogue,m betweem author and reader, the text intends to make evident all the possibile meetings thyat one interactive language?s perpective setsup and makes arise in all ways wich are created when we are listening to or reading a history. Acting as the closest speakers, Marx and Bakhtin, are in a special position. However, the dialogue is also possible among many other authors who face the language, one way or the other, as a stage wheew manking plays and is constituited in the language, in life


ensino - aspectos sociais professores - formação

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