Da ação à habituação: a finalidade poiética da ação na ética aristotélica




This paper presents a review of the habituation process included in the human nature modeling developed by Aristotle. It provides an analysis of the process elements contribution to the modeling of a vicious or virtuous character as well as the ability to overturn an established character. The concepts of nature, animal nature and human nature have been examined in order to determine the human nature specificity and similarities with other animals. This provided conditions for the analysis of the proper human activity specificity, which results from an indetermination principle inherent to the human nature. The activity shall have a poietic purpose: the development of the humankind excellence. The habituation process is therefore a set of elements of this human nature self-development that contribute to the virtuous or vicious modeling.


Ética teses. hábito teses. aristóteles. caráter teses. filosofia antiga teses. filosofia teses.

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