Law Courses in Brazil: collisions around the expansion and control of the professional performance (1995-2002) / CURSOS DE DIREITO NO BRASIL: EMBATES EM TORNO DA EXPANSÃO E DO CONTROLE DO EXERCÍCIO PROFISSIONAL (1995-2002)




The target of this present investigation consists of to analyze the expansion process of the Brazilian college, especially Law Courses, for the period of 1995-2002. In a strict sense, it studies the established collisions by the civil society and the State around the expansion of Law Courses and the control of the professional performance. To reach these targets, the proposals for Law education were analyzed, done by the main political subjects involved with this discussion: The Brazilian Lawyers Order Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB), The Private Universities Association Associação das Universidades Privadas (Anup), and The Maintainers of College Education Brazilian Association Associação Brasileira das Mantenedoras de Ensino Superior (Abmes). A bibliography research was realized with the objective of grasping the meaning of the entities proposals and knowing the reform of the States proposal, and the educational legislation of FHC Government. Available information from INEP/MEP subsidized the characterization of the college education expansion and of the law courses during this studied period of time. The research refers to the large concept of state by Gramsci (2000), which contributed to the comprehension of the relation between the State and the civil society of the end of 1990s decade and the beginning of the 21st century. In this context, Law Courses presented a accelerated expansion, with concentration of supplies in private college institutions and non-universities courses. This moment was marked by a strong discussion about the Law courses expansion, their quality and the control of the professional performance executed by OAB.


políticas educacionais educacao expansão extended state educational politics 2.privatização do curso de direito 3. políticas educacionais expansion estado ampliado 1.educação superior privatization and variety of college education 4.reforma do estado cursos de direito privatização diversificação do ensino superior law courses

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