Culto ao corpo e sociedade : midia, cultura de consumo e estilos de vida




The purpose of this work is to discuss the body cult as a behvior s strong tendency, and one of the dimensions of constructed life stles, through consume, in contemporary societes. Firstly, it seeks to approach the material aspect of this cultural practice,from informationrelated to beauty andfitness market segment. Secondly, it analizes two publications related to the subkect - Boa Forma and Corpoa Corpo - inorder to perceive the existing mediations between media and society, understanding that between them theris a relation, in wich contents of society are assimilated and recycled by the mass communication means and conversely.It does not discredit the social coercionupon individual, leads wich them to worry about their bodies beauty, this study seeks to understand ali the cares with presentation as a way of construction of identity and a strategy of disitinction, in a wide range of styles market, a mark of the contemporary world.In order to achieve themain purpose of thisstudy,it was done a work at four fitness centers of different sizes and regions in the city of São Paulo, where it was searched six physical activities modalities: capoeira, yoga, gymnastics, third age gymnastics, ball-room dance and muscles exercises, wherea questionnaire was applied, deep interviews done, and observationfollowed by daily field recordo. Social class, gender and generation appear with thematerial analyses, as variable definition aspects when choosing a modality of physical activity, wich configure a dimension of life style and a way ofl sociability for the individuais


narcisismo hedonismo midia (publicidade) estilo de vida corpo humano sociabilidade identidade consumo

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