Cultivo do camarão marinho Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone,1931) em sistema multifásico / Cultivo do camarão marinho Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone,1931) em sistema multifásico




Marine shrimp in Brazil has grown very fast in the last years due to adoption of new technologies applied to the activity. One of these refers to the use of nursery tanks to post larvae acclimation from the hatcheries. These nursery tanks have the advantage to reduce the culture time, increasing the ponds rotativity and consequently increasing the production. So, this work was done in order to evaluate the productivity of a marine shrimp culture through a three phases model with the use of primary and secondary nursery tanks, and growout pond without aeration. The experiment was held at Boqueirão da Ilha Farm Ltd (Lat 74516.5 South; Long. 345220.6 West), located at Itamaracá island, 60 Km far from Recife-PE. It was utilized a primary nursery tank (TBP), two secondary nursery tanks (TBS) and a 7000m2 growout pond. In the culture it was utilized Litopenaeus vannamei post larvae (0.001g) in the first phase with culture time of 25-30 days, which were transferred to the second phase (0.15g) where remaining for more 30 days and finally, with 2.34 g, were transferred to the growout pond, where remained for more 50-60 days to reach to market size. The tanks and pond were previously preparedwith nitrate sodium and sodium enriched with phosphorus in a quantity of 11g/m2 and 8.6g/m2, respectively. In the first phase the shrimp feeding was done with a 40 and 35% crude protein pelleted commercial ration, and this last one was used to the following phases. In the primary nursery tank, the weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and survival (S) were 4.73mg/day, 9.77%/day and 88.56%, respectively. In the second phase the WG, SGR and S were 71.67mg/day, 9.10 %/day and 63.34%, respectively. In growout pond the WG, SGR and S were 147mg/day, 3.12%/day and 66.21%, respectively, obtaining shrimps with 11g of average weight. This system provided a 50-60 days growout phase, obtaining shrimp with 10-12g, reaching five culture cycles per year and a productivity in about 6.735Kg/ha/yr. The utilization of the three phases systems represents a new technology in order to optimize the pond growout areas.


camarão marinho litopenaeus vannamei marine shrimp recursos pesqueiros e engenharia de pesca

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