Crime of racism or qualified insult? : typifications and representations of police ocurrences of racist practices among police delegates of Campinas / Crime de racismo ou injuria qualificada? : tipificações e representações das ocorrencias de praticas racistas entre os delegados de policia de Campinas




From the difficulties between the legal staff on legal prerogative to qualify the police occurrence of racist practices in crime of racism or qualified injury, sought to understand the uses and meanings attributed to the anti-racism law and the own conceptions of the officers on the subject. Among those officials, delegates of police of the city of Campinas were selected for personal interviews in the districts where they work. In the interviews, we tried to walk the ways of the legal treatment aimed at racial discrimination, making it possible to observe how some patterns of cultural value operates against that prerogative. It was noted how this practice is not restricted to that prerogative or to the sphere of legal relations, but was part of a larger institutional context, revealing itself as one of the faces of an institutionalized racism and that had significant implications on the effective exercise of full citizenship. Thus, took shape a situation of social subordination in which the normative framework of society did not offer the support necessary to participate as peers in social life, becoming legal practices as an important mechanism of reproduction of social inequalities


cidadania insulto racismo racism anti-racism discriminação discrimination injury racism citizenship racismo - campinas (sp) - estudo de casos antirracismo

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