Crime e castigo reflexões sensíveis sobre adolescentes privados de liberdade em Uberlândia




In this present dissertation I present the results of the reflections that came from a research with juvenile delinquents who have committed some infractions in law, arrested because of crimes in a institution that applies socio-educative solutions: CISAU (Centro de Integração Social de Uberlândia) in Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The interviews and observations in loco made between 2002 and 2003 guided the reflections of this study about an important question in contemporary history. This text was written in an essay way, bringing the points of the study in a sequence technically different from an usual form of a master dissertation. The essay has the intention of giving to the text a more interesting presentation to explain the most provocative questions showed by these studies. I intent to present a historical reflection that considers the subjectivity in the building of the history weft. The contributions of the history of sensitivities define the chooses for feelings born in a prison reality, where the human rights questions are emphasized and where we see the need of considering them. When we give the chance to these teenagers to speak about themselves, it was one of the few times when they could talk with their own words about their situation. It was also possible to arise serious questions about the prison reality. To watch their world which yet temporary beyond the walls of an institution that calls itself corrective, was an important task, considering that all notions built about juvenile delinquents come from another people, since the occurrence bulletin made sometimes invented - by policemen, passing through the institution of criminal process, full of lawyer, prosecutor and judge words, besides recorder words (legal agents who print on their words their prejudice), to the record of the teenagers activities and behavior in the institution, built by the civil servants like guardians, psychologists, social agents and others. The fear was on the stage of this historical theater, over all as a result (and sometimes as a precursor) of violent criminality, with which our actors were involved. The humiliation presented itself marked with iron in the modalities of punishments chosen to correct the law-breakers of social order stabilized. Thus, fear and humiliation were the felling elected to think about some problems that surround the historical reality analyzed. The question of human right and person right was also broached for bringing fundamental elements to understand the reality observed, in which these rights are dissolved in the bureaucracy, presenting the impossibility to make it worth to the weakest, poorest without education, subjects represented here by arrested teenagers. This discussion becomes important whereas these subjects are harmed in their human person rights, and they are not treated as human people in almost any formal situation that surround them.


violência - uberlândia (mg) - aspectos sociais criminalidade assistência a menores - aspectos psicológicos humiliation humilhação medo história social juvenile delinquents historia juventude direitor humanos - adolescentes fear

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