Crescimento fisico e performance motora : um estudo em descendentes de holandeses-Holambra




This research studies the growth and motor performance of children in an isolated community which are descendent of a Dutch immigrants. The study involves children of both sexes between 7 and 10 years old. The objective of this research is to obtain a better understanding about the adaptation process of a group of immigrants in Holambra-SP,Brazil. With respect to growth, the weight, height, height in sitting state, skinfold, diameter and circumference were measured. With respect to motor performance, 50 meters dash, agility, hand strength, horizontal jump and 9 minutes run were measured. The parents were submitted to a questionnaire related to the daily motor activity of the children, their perception of the health of the children and place of birth. AlI children attended a private school. There they have physical education classes twice a week. Besides, 93% ofthe boys and 25% of the girls practice extra curricular physical activities. The main sports activities are soccer and volleyball for boys and ballet and karate for girls. Most children practice folklore activities, which indicates the strong cultural identity of the group being studied. According to the parents, the children are in good health and don t have any kind of hereditary disease. With respect to physical growth the children show higher rates when compared with a study group of São Caetano do Sul-SP and the Netherlands. The values obtained for weight and height of the parents are heigh when compared with the average of the Brazilian population. There are signs that the children have their growth peak at an earlier age than other groups, especially the girls. The values obtained for motor performance were higher than other groups. These results indicate an active life style of the children, associated with an early growth peak. The fact that the 9 minute run test values were below a group studied in ltapira-SP, could be explained by the low motivation of the children to perform the test


antropologia fisica holandeses - crescimento capacidade motora - testes

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