Cost-effectiveness of class size reduction and school hours increase polices: a matching estimators approach. / Custo-efetividade de políticas de redução do tamanho da classe e ampliação da jornada escolar: uma aplicação de estimadores de matching




This dissertation aims to contribute to the identification of the causal effect of class size reduction and school hours increase on student achievement. It focuses on Brazilian basic education students from public schools located at urban areas. The Generalized Propensity Score Matching methodology for continuous treatment and the Nearest Neighbor Matching with bias correction were applied to estimate the treatment effect of class size reduction and school hours increase, respectively. The dataset used in the analysis was the National Basic Evaluation System (SAEB) carried out by the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) in 2005. The results suggest that there is a positive school hours effect on student achievement. When the instruction time is increased from four to five hours, the corresponding increase in math test scores is 8.36 points or, equivalently, a 0.20 standard deviation movement on the grade distribution. In addition, the estimated class size effect of a reduction from 38 to 30 students is 10.67 points or, equivalently, a 0.26 standard deviation movement on the grade distribution. After estimations, a cost-effectiveness analysis was carried out in order to confront costs and benefits of these interventions. The results show the school hours increase is more cost-effective when class size is 33 or smaller. Otherwise, the class size reduction is more cost-effective.


economia da educação economics of education education política educacional educational polices educação quality of education qualidade da educação

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