Corpos disponíveis : análise foucaultiana do discurso do sanitarismo, da genética e da eugenia




This dissertation seeks to analyze the biomedical discourse, notably genetics and hygiene, based on the french philosopher Michael Foucaults thoughts, and on his analytical categories of biopower and population control. To approach these themes putting them as discourses of an epoch, represents an attempt to take the medical science out of the purely technical and methodological discussion, and look at it through an unusual characteristics of power and knowledge games, that very often are provoked by economic and biopolitical factors. At the same time it refrains from becoming moral evaluation, typical of the bioethical analysis. Through the discursive analysis, it is possible to detect, from the 18th century until today, series of continuities and ruptures in the concept of social hygiene. Now this concept is utilized by the (microbiological and urban) hygiene, and by the genetics (social hygiene used against the marginalized). So, a war is created against the pathological microorganisms, as well as against the abnormal searching to defend the society and its governmentability. In this sense, this work is an attempt to show how bodies were made available throughout the history, for land, for commercial practice and, finally, for the economic market. It attempts to undertake a history of the present, that is, it envisages a demonstration how genetics became a powerful discourse in our day to the point of being feared by its excess of eugenic biopower inheriting strategies of typical controls of the hygiene.


filosofia eugenia foucault, michel, 1926-1984 medicina - filosofia saúde pública - filosofia

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