Corpo-sujeito Kadiweu : jogo e esporte




Kadiwéu Body subject: game and sport ? research accomplished at UNICAMP/College of Physical Education/DEAFA/Bio-cultural Anthropology Laboratory, Health Sciences area, concentration in Adapted Physical Activity and Health, research line Corporal Development in the context of Society and Culture. The term Kadiwéu body means the Indian recognized by a complex way of being, producing a specific way of being and asking for a comprehension of its own. The object of this research was to study the changing process in behavior, habitus and power observed in the Kadiwéu warrior body from Alves de Barros Indian Settlement, in traditional games and sports. In the traditional games and sports, in the ?masters time? (self governed, drove by their own rules, fixed by Kadiwéu masters) and in the ?institutionalized time? (share the power with the state). The objectives of the study were: a) to register the state of the art Kadiwéu traditional games, studying the relationship between these and the sport emergency; b) to contribute in the elaboration of co-participants actions, linking corporal culture and sport. The study was delimited: a) geographically concerning the Alves de Barros Indian Settlement, Kadiwéu Land, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil; b) to the subjects traditional games and sports and c) the people with significant link to the investigated question, getting information that only these people could transmit. Theoretical-empiric research with procedures adopted to get to these people was by link indications, involving old-aged, adults and athletes, sportive coaches, and sportive leaderships. To answer these questions it has been organized a bibliographic base, socio-historic and anthropologic, of the Mbayá-Guaicuru and Kadiwéu, full with empiric data and with theories of the Physical Education and Sports field of knowledge. The final considerations show the state of the art of the traditional games, from the Mbayá-Guaicuru to the Kadiwéu, in a registered archive of nearly 100 games pointing to changes in Kadiwéu behavior each time more internalized, taking them to self-regulate, being the sport one of the vehicles of this change, which are also historic changes, of power relations, as they are considered transformations in a society with a short relationship network, embodied in a State. The Kadiwéu body subject seems to search for interactions between its way of being and the more rational way, proper of societies which life style is more coercitive. Between two memories, mythology and science mixing, traditional game and sport, in a less predictable way. In this sense, even the re- signification of the traditional games may contribute to strengthen the ethnic identity, dynamizing it; as giving the sport a meaning, may bring changes to the relation individual-society. Tradition and changes are co-participants in the process of signifying other sense to the Kadiwéu body subject


sports games esportes civilização indigenas brasileiros brazilian indians body jogos civilizing process corpo

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