"Convivendo com a diferença: o impacto da sorodiscordância na vida afetivo-sexual de portadores do HIV/AIDS" / Living with the Difference: the impact of serodiscordance on the affective and sexual life of HIV/aids patients.




The appearance of antiretroviral therapy brought about a significant increase in the survival and quality of life of HIV/aids patients. This new reality entails new possibilities for living with aids, one of which is serodiscordance. This study aimed to describe and analyze the impact of serodiscordance on the affective and sexual life of HIV/aids patients whose heterosexual partner has a different HIV status. The concept of vulnerability was used as a theoretical reference framework. This study was carried out at the specialized HIV/aids care clinic of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas, Brazil. Data were collected through individual interviews, which were recorded. Data organization and analysis was based on Prose Analysis by André (1983), which gave rise to nine themes: perception of the invulnerability, the discovery of HIV seropositivity, infection way, revealing the diagnosis, sexuality in mixed-status couples after discovering HIV/aids infection, vulnerability of the seronegative partner, use the condom; reproductive health, relationship. After discovering seropositivity in one of the partners, mixed-status couples face countless challenges and need to develop coping strategies for difficulties related to sexual activities, maintaining safe sex and living with a seronegative partner. Not only the couple is responsible for these difficulties. Health professionals should assume their social responsibility in facing the challenges imposed by serodiscordance. We observed that seronegative partners have to be included in care activities, and that mixed-status couples deserve specific attention from health services. The lack of specific health services for mixed-status couples is one of the factors responsible for increased vulnerability of the seronegative partner, when (s)he does not appear in care and no adequate treatment is given to serodiscordance-related issues. We point towards the need for care alternatives with a view to promoting a change in current care practices, which focus on the biological model. Care for these persons has to be realized by interdisciplary teams and consider the affective and sexual aspects caused by serodiscordance, which leads to the need for increased training and awareness of the health professionals involved. The nursing team plays an important role in HIV/aids care and its actions have to go beyond clinical and therapeutic aspects and including sexuality, prevention and safe sex maintenance, which reveal to be important risk components in mixed-status couples.


casais sorodiscordantes mixed-status couples sexualidade assistência em hiv/aids sexo seguro hiv/aids care sexuality safe sex

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