Conversão em comprimento de onda de sinais modulados em fase por mistura de quatro ondas em SOAs / Wavelength conversion of phase modulated channels by four-wave mixing in SOAs


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Recently semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) have been the focus of interest in several applications. One of the most common SOA roles is as a wavelength converter, where the device transfers information content among optical carriers in the optical domain. Four wave mixing (FWM), cross-gain modulation (XGM), and cross-phase modulation (XPM) are major nonlinear effects that occur in SOAs and contribute differently in the process of wavelength conversion. These effects, in particular, XGM and FWM, become more prominent when subjecting the device to high levels of input power (saturation regime). SOAs can provide intensity-modulated carrier wavelength conversion with large conversion range. However, they tend to fail for phase modulated carriers since phase information cannot be preserved by either XGM or XPM. Thus, an empirical characterization of wavelength conversion for phase modulated channels based on SOA FWM properties is presented in this work. Phase modulation was implemented by using 10 GHz sinusoidal signals and by BPSK with rates up to 14 Gbps


amplificadores óticos mistura de quatro ondas modulação de fase dispositivos optoeletrônicos optical amplifiers four-wave mixing phase modulation optoelectronic devices

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