Controle hormonal da próstata feminina do gerbilo sob influência de múltiplas prenhezes e reposição hormonal / Hormonal control of the gerbil s female prostate : influence of multiple pregnancies and hormone replacement


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The gerbil female prostate is located paraurethrally and has all the main histological components of the male prostate, like secretor epithelium and fibromuscular stroma. This gland, like the prostate in males, is targeted by testosterone action, which promotes morphofunctional development. Furthermore, estrogens are required to maintain the male and female prostate and this gland presents both estrogen receptors (ER-alfa and ER-?). In the present work the structural and morphometric-stereological and serological aspects, as well as the quantification of the incidence, multiplicity and percentage of acini affected by different lesions were analyzed. Fifty senile female gerbils were divided into ten groups (five animals each): Adult nulliparous gerbils (AN) and adult multiparous gerbils (AM); senile nulliparous (SN) and senile multiparous (SM) female gerbils; senile nulliparous gerbils (SND) and senile multiparous gerbils (SMD) that received daily 0,1 ml of DHEA during 21 days; senile nulliparous gerbils (SNE) and senile multiparous gerbils (SME) that received 0,1 ml of ?-estradiol on alternate days during 21 days; senile nulliparous gerbils (SNT) and senile multiparous gerbils (SMT) that received 0,2ml of T (1mg/kg/day) for 21 days. This work was performed to quantify the incidence, multiplicity and percentage of acini affected by different lesions in prostate of nulliparous and multiparous senile female gerbils under different types of hormonal replacement using morphometric, stereological and immunohistochemical techniques and to try to establish a relationship between hormonal serum levels in these groups. The proliferative ratio (PCNA/TUNEL) were higher in al multiparous groups when compared with nulliparous groups, mainly in SMT, the same group where were found higher multiplicity of proliferative lesions.


próstata feminina envelhecimento prenhez hormonios esteroides lesões proliferativas progesterona female prostate aging pregnancy steroid hormones progesterone

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