Contribuições da psicanalise contemporanea para o estudo das manifestações psicossomaticas




This paper aims to study psychosomatic manifestations based on the present psycnoanalitical contributions on object relations. Within this point of view, it is through the mother-baby interactions that the children s mental life and the psychic distiguishing itself from the somatic allows baby to recognize, to integrate and to make himself acquainted with his body. However problems in the mother-child relationship may deprive of the baby from the mother separation experiences and thus from its differén6ation and from acquiring itis onvn identity, therefore favoring the development of physical diseases. In order to learn and better understand the structural and the dynamic factors of psychosomatic manifestations, research instruments were need to make possible to detect psychological and psychodynamic development ofthe personality, were utilized, such as: Clinical interview, Rorschach Test. The sample studied comprised of ten patients who sufered from what is generaly known as psychosomatic diseases: Essential Arterial Hypertension; Perenial Allergic Rinite; Psoriases. The analysis of resuIts showed the these patients revealed highly imature personalities normaly found in indviduals who have not developed their own identity. They show affective-emotional and intelectual behavior vety restrict and a rigid and impersonal internal actvity. They revealed poor subjective claims which are mostly imature making it difficult for them to develop more differentiated social role. Specifc disturbances toward affective and symbolic functions which manifest themselves through the blockage of affective-emotional reactions and poverty of fantasies were observed. Besides the absence of capability of providing empaty deriving from the difficulty in recognizing and utilizing their own feelings as signs for themselves, hinder them to place themselves in an objective way towards other individuaIs. They also showed psychological conflicts of serious and deep nature, coming along with accentuated anxiety which hinder them hinder them to adapt themselves in a satisfactory way to reality. Thus, it is suggested that the first affective-emotional experiences of the first childhood were not adequately elaborated by them and they interfere at present in their adjustment to reality especially in intense affective situations. We way therefore conclude that the residual experiances of indifferentiation, the lack of fantasy production through which the anxiety might flow as well as the impossibility to elaborate and to express the affection using the symbolic capacity make them quite vulnerable to physical diseases


hipertensão - aspectos psicossomaticos psicanalise psoriase medicina psicossomatica rinite

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