Contra as invasões barbaras, a humanidade : a luta dos Arara (Karo) e dos Gavião (Ikoloehj) contra os projetos hidreletricos do Rio Machado, em Rondonia / Against the barbarian invasions, humanity : Arara (Karo) and Gavião (Ikoloehj) indigenous people agaist hydroelectric projects of Machado s River, in Rondonia, Brazil




The dissertation deals with the struggle of Arara (Karo) and the Gavião (Ikólóéhj) indigenous people against hydroelectric projects of Machado s River, in Rondônia, Brazil. This mobilization was initiated in the 80 s against the project of Usina Ji-Paraná, suspended in 1993, and remains until the present day, with the resumption of the project of Usina Tabajara. Front to ELETRONORTE strategies for enabling these hydroelectric projects, based on the masking of its potential for destruction and the silencing of the popular mobilization against the dams projects, the Arara and Gavião has been determined to denounce this attempt to expropriation of its territory in violation of their rights. The mobilization indigenous policies have implications beyond the anti-dam and is configured in a "cultural policy", as proposed by Alvarez, Dagnino and Escobar (2000), to the extent that Arara and Gavião contest the dominant notions of about the "development" and "nature" involved in hydroelectric projects in Machado s River and claim for itself a condition of equality before the whites . For these indigenous people, the anti-dam struggle has been made in a privileged space of exposure of their demands and of questioning the condition subordinate assigned to them by whites, are setting up in fight for recognition and autonomy, in which the territory is a fundamental part


social movements indios arara indios gaviões arara indians rondonia movimentos sociais gaviões indians rio (ro) ji-parana

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