Continued training of specialized educational teachers: challenges and prospects / Formação continuada de professores para o atendimento educacional especializado: desafios e perspectivas




Based on national guidelines for inclusive education, Brazilian educational systems are facing the task of organizing themselves in order to receive all students and really consider their special needs. Among many actions, National Guidelines for Special Education in Basic Education established by Brazilian Ministry of Education, demands special educational intervention preferentially at regular school. CNE/CEB Resolution No. 2/2001 proposes the intervention of specialized teachers to achieve this aim.The purpose of this study is to identify the training needs identified by their own teachers specialized in intellectual disability who works at (for) municipal schools of São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, and examine proposals for continued training offered by Municipal Department of Education of São Bernardo do Campo, between 2005 and 2009. The research uses a qualitative method developed by semiguided interviews for data collection with ten teachers who works at specialized educional service in municipal schools and also the study of official documents from SMESBC related to formative actions for the specialized teachers. Data analysis was done by theoretical references as well as content analysis. We realized that teachers suggest different training needs related to contents s not included in their initial training as well as those related to the changes occurred on the educational context, more specifically those proposed by the national policy of special education in the perspective of inclusive education, 2008. The proposals developed by Education Department over the five years studied, due to many reasons, did not show a l training direction which would help teachers organize and structure municipal service. The differente directions adopted by formative actions contributed significantly to the fact that teachers training needs are not coherent.


educação especial deficiência intelectual atendimento educacional especializado formação de professores special education specialized educational service teacher training intellectual disabilities

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