Consumo alimentar e entendimento da pirâmide alimentar adaptada em adolescentes fisicamente ativos do Distrito Federal




Purpose: To evaluate food intake and the comprehension of the Adapted Food Pyramid to Physically Active Adolescents as an educational instrument to improve understanding and knowledge about healthy dietary pattern in physically active adolescents, as well as to evaluate the acceptance of coffee as a functional food and its influence in this population well-being. Methods: 58 adolescents (53% male and 47% female) physically active (13,73 0,77 years) from the Federal District answered identification questionnaires, 24h dietary recalls, a nutritional knowledge questionnaire, and a well-being questionnaire in the two phases of the study (before and after intervention; with at least one month interval). The adolescents were divided into two groups: the pyramid intervention group received the printed educational material and the broad intervention group received the printed educational material and a brief oral explanation about the food pyramid and the functional characteristics of coffee. Results: Most of the adolescents studied did not consume the amount of servings recommended by the pyramid food groups, with prevalence of lower than recommended consumption of: 98% for vegetables, 83% for fruit, 72% for legumes, 48% for milk and dairy products; and prevalence of higher than recommended consumption of: 69% for fat, 71% for meat and eggs and 98% for sweets and snacks. At first, the adolescents nutritional knowledge was reasonable (59,91 17,82 points), and it increased (p<0,05) after the intervention (69,09 19,86 points), with no significant differences between the intervention groups. The consumption of coffee increased in the broad intervention group and decreased (p<0,05) in the pyramid intervention group. The amount of coffee consumption by the adolescents in the two phases was not associated to well-being. Conclusions: In this study, physically active adolescents did not have healthy dietary habits; they improved their nutritional knowledge with the use of the Adapted Food Pyramid to Physically Active Adolescents; and they accepted the indication of coffee consumption as a functional food.


hábitos alimentares dietary habits adolescência bem-estar food guide exercício coffee nutritional knowledge conhecimento nutricional exercise guia alimentar well-being teenagers café educacao fisica

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