Construction of policies on waste management in a higher education institution from the perspective of Environmental Education. / CONSTRUÇÃO DE POLÍTICAS PARA A GESTÃO DOS RESÍDUOS EM UMA INSTITUIÇÃO DE ENSINO SUPERIOR NA PERSPECTIVA DA EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL




Residues that result from different activities carried out in higher education institutions HEI pose risks to health and degrade the environment when they are not appropriately managed. Therefore, the construction of integrated policies to manage residues in these places is necessary and urgent; it must be connected to an educational process in environmental education so that it can involve and make the university community take part in the construction of sustainability. This action-research is a qualitative study that aims at constructing policies for residue management being implemented in a federal higher education institution (FHEI), i. e., at Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária (HCV), a veterinary hospital, in the perspective of environmental education and complex thought. Two categories resulted from the thematic analysis of the data collected during meetings with focal groups called Triggering Group (28 subjects who work in different sectors of the institution) and Constructing Group (36 subjects who work at HCV), from the analysis of documents regarding the Rules, Regulations, and Mission of the institution, and from the observation of the institutional environment. They are the following: a) Environmental Education in its way to thought reform: the apparent invisibility of the process of policy construction for residue management in the higher education institution; it focus on the need to know the whole and the parts: the context of the environment and of the institutional structure; the generation of residues and its management in the institution; the reality of one of the campi of the institution regarding the residue management; the process of residue management in health services; and experiences in the institution and in others concerning residue management programs in health services: and b) Environmental Education in its way to thought reform: the actual visibility of the process of policy construction for residue management in the higher education institution; it focus on the process of policy construction, the planning of residue management in health services in a part, the HCV, but it is interrelated with the whole and includes the identification of residue problematization; the planning and implementation of goals and actions; and the in-service education program. The data show that the construction of policies for residue management in the FHEI in a pedagogical practice in Environmental Education and in the dimension of complex thought leads the university community to thought reform, thus, enabling us to think of the reality of the institution as an integrated and articulated complex system of the whole/part/whole and contributing to ethical and responsible acting which is committed to the sustainability of the environment we belong to.


políticas de gestão de resíduos resíduos sólidos de serviços de saúde cidadania waste management politics solid waste from health care sustainability tertiary schools sustentabilidade citizenship environmental education instituição de ensino superior complexidade complexity educação ambiental educacao

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