Construction and implications of contrasts in O Alienista, by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. / Construção e implicações dos contrastes em O Alienista, de Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis.




"O Alienista" assumes amongst Machado de Assisstories, analogous importance to some of its personages represent to the sort, particularly the character of the doctor and scientist Simão Bacamarte. The nuclear subject - manifestation of madness - constitutes efficient expedient to pick-up the reader’s attention, who, once a time captivated, are lead to a second and more serious reading of the criteria to the exclusion of determined individuals and nonsense disputes for the power. After has been published in Papéis Avulsos (1882), the story would be incorporated to the numerous compilations organized by Brazilian and foreign thinkers who, in general way, had left important introductory chapters where some slots to new interpretations. The considerations showed in this work had been supported such in the cited contributions above as in the bibliography that includes essayers, writers, philosophers, historians and sociologists. It has the intention to observe formal aspects; to inquire the bond between the characters (sited in place and time) in relation to the Brazils and world’s representative personalities, monuments and historical periods; to establish points of dialogue between "O Alienista" and others Machados works.


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