Construção de corpos: análise de capas das revistas dirigidas aos homoeróticos masculinos / Construction of bodies: analysis of the covers of magazines directed at male homoerotic


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The image has become one of the major persuasive elements. Kress (1997) says that the society is seeing the significative changing of valorization in the semiotic modes, specially, one changing of the verbal form to the visual of the representation and comunication. In this way, studying images is necessary, because it is related to the propagation of values and social identity constitution as well. Relegated the importance of the images in the postmodern world, we will discuss, in this assignment, the relation between image-genre social-body, based in the Visual Semiotic and in the researches in the Multimodality, once we try to analyse the Body constrution, through the covers of the magazines: G Magazine, Junior, Dom and Aimé addressed to a particular public: the homoerotic male. To do it so, we will have as theoretical support a Grammar of Visual Design written by kress and van Leeuwen (1996) which is based in the Systemic-Functional Linguistic written by Halliday (1994). We will also base this assignment studies about the social genre (FOUCAULT, 1985; SCOTT, 1990; LOURO, 1997, 2005, 2007; LAQUEUR, 2001; WEEKS, 2007; BUTLER, 2008, among others). In the perspective poststructuralist, the identities and differences are defined from the culture and history, they are social and cultural creations, therefore, they are not innate to the human being, but are actively produced and built through the power relation and through the language. Therefore, the category body, is also understood and assumed as the historical reality, so the body becomes a space of debate and reflection regarding the construction related to the genre and sex. The analysis points to a promotion of a virile body that is, consequentelly, refute a female image, therefore, the social acceptance of the homoerotics. Therefore, we can to postulate that these bodies are constantly submitted to the thuth from an hemogenic representation, with fitted, young, white bodies, with no hair or even beard, which, overestimating the male, dissolving the speech of the heteronormativity as rule or reference of behavior.


linguistica imagens gramática do design visual corpo homoerótico masculino images grammar of visual design body homoerotic male

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