Constituição, hermenêutica e ensino juridico: repensando a formação do professor de direito sob uma perspectiva didático-pedagógica




The objective of the present Dissertation of Masters Degree is to investigate the Juridical Teaching in Brazil and the educational practice, rethinking teachers formation under a didactic-pedagogic perspective. Through bibliographical research, reading, card registry and systematization, it was elaborate the present study, to evidence that the juridical teaching, in the present time, is in crisis, created for constants curricular reforms that, after some time, its implantation doesnt produce satisfactory results. This Dissertation is composed of two chapters: Juridical Teaching in Brazil and The reflexes of the Professional Activity in Law School. In the first chapter, it tries to place the juridical culture since its creation, in 1827, until nowadays, emphasizing the multiple crisis, the necessity of constant reforms, because it became practically changeless for more than 180 years of the courses of Law in Brazil. Starting from this chapter, it was made a study about the current education model and the institutional duties, with the intention of showing that the reality lived today in the course of Law, the reflex of the model education tax to Brazil, in the colonial period, that it came worsening and, that in spite of overcoming in some aspects, it leaves exposed the center of the problems, the classroom, that the liberal inheritance continues to reproduce with its traditional model. As approach method, it was opted for the dialetic method, that aids the research, when it is taken by base the juridical teaching, understood in the world as a process. This classification of the research, it is applied of qualitative form, with descriptive objectives and methods of historical procedures that act as instrument of investigation of events that have influenced the current model of the juridical teaching


modelo pedagógico juridical teaching educational formação do professor direito didatic-pedagogic ensino jurídico

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