Consórcios públicos interfederativos: uma análise da formulação e implementação do consórcio intemunicipal e saneamento básico Vale do Itapocu




Due to the difficulty found in some federate entities to supply the population a fair public service, it is necessary to study some alternatives to this situation. This research has its goal on analyzing the legislation of the public consortiums using the Intercity Basic Sanitation Consortium of the Itapocu Valley, formed by the AMVALI cities as the object of study in the practical matters of creating a public consortium as well as identifying if the public consortiums can help the development of an area by making public services better. The specific goals are: a) To observe the Federation status that we are into and the way that the federate entities are treated in this context; b) To analyze the public consortiums legislation and its employment in the AMVALI area; c) To analyze the practical matters in creating a public consortium based on the experience of the Intercity Basic Sanitation Consortium of the Itapocu Valley. The legislation to be studied is very recent, thus bringing up a few doubts, so that the study of the legislation applied to a real case as in the Intercity Basic Sanitation Consortium of the Itapocu Valley appears to be relevant due to the demonstration of theory and practice observations. In spite of that the review of the consortiums legislation applied to a practical question as in the Consortium of the Itapocu Valley Waters, shows us the difficulties of applying a recent legislation to a real case due to the lack of use of this legislation


planejamento urbano e regional consórcios intercity basic sanitation consortium of the itapocu valley contexto federativo public consortium consórcios públicos consórcio intermunicipal de saneamento básico vale do itapocu federate context

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