Consequences of blade removal at different reproductive stages in corn / CONSEQUÃNCIAS DA REMOÃÃO DO LIMBO FOLIAR EM DIFERENTES ESTÃDIOS REPRODUTIVOS DA CULTURA DO MILHO.




Little information about leaf defoliation from corn plant on crop characteristics is available under tropical conditions, a natural phenomenon that happens at grain filling stage. One aimed in this research the evaluation the effects of defoliation during the filling period of grains. The experimental designs were randomized blocks with three replications using a factorial scheme with two leaf removal sites (above and below corn ear), two leaf removal percentages (50% and 100%), and four phenologic time (R1, R2, R3, and R4 stages), plus one additional treatment without leaf removal. Blade removal above the ear promoted higher grain yield loss in relation to the removal below ear. The blade removal above the ear corn promoted higher loss in the grain yield in all reproductive stages considered. The effect of blade removal was more pronunced at the blooming (stage R1) than in other reproductive stages of the filling period of grains. Blade removal below the ear was similar to 50% desfoliation above the ear. Average corn grain yield at first planting date (November 21) was higher than second planting date, indicating that the correct choice for corn planting time is important. In general corn plant lodging was little affected by manual blade removal.


milho,reprodutivos,diferentes percentages,replications,reproductive fitotecnia

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