Conselho de classe : que espaco e esse?




The aim of this research is to understand and analyze under the optic of the Applied Linguistic, the academic council in a state school, in the zone of São Paulo, in Education to Young and Adults (EYA) (ElA) High Scholl in the night shift. The study is inserted in the group of research LACE (Language in Activities in the Scholar Context - PUC - SP) and it is based in Activity of the Theory (Engestrom, 1994 and Leontiev 1977/2003) to understand the organization and the conception of the~ activity academic council, supporting itself on the social-historical conception of the development (Vygotsky, 1987). Besides, it also has as theoretical base the dialogic characteristics of the language (Backthin 1953/1992) and the evaluation inside a critica! perspective that objectifies the formation of the autonomous and creative thought (Alvarez, 2002 and Kemmis, 1987) developing different ways to argue. This research has been accomplished using as methodology the critical research with a collaborate (Magalhães 1998 e 2002 and Liberali 1999) that is an investigating process with the aim of understanding and transforming pedagogical practices and it is based on a social historical cultural perspective. The data had been collected through the recordings and shootings of the academic council being comparatively interpreted. To the analysis of the data a general plan of the text had been used trying to visualize the thematic set of the speeches that occurred in the academic council and the kinds of prototypic sequences (Bronckart, 1997 e 2006). The results pointed out that the first academic councils were being used as a space to construction of an evaluation that just determined if the student was or wasn t approved facing the grades under the average he had obtained. This view of the evaluation wasn t coherent with the meaning the coordinator affirmed he was constructing by the faculty, or either, a global, critical and reflexive evaluation. In relation to the work division in the academic council, it is only centered in the pedagogical coordinator, who determines the final result of the student without looking for arguments or conducting the teachers to reflect, he only drives ali the participants apart from the construction of the objective in the activity. Therefore, it could also be observed that after the construction of the reflexive spread sheet, accomplished together with the researcher some significant transformation took place


escolas -- organizacao e administracao professores -- formacao profissional formação de coordenadores pedagógicos avaliacao educacional linguistica aplicada reflexão crítica conselho de classe teoria da atividade

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