CONFLITO TRABALHISTA E USO DA JUSTIÇA DO TRABALHO: estudo de caso do município de Juiz de Fora (1944-1954)




The present work analyses the daily life of the Labor Justice, through the study of Labor Processes, in the city of Juiz de Fora, during the period from 1944 to 1954. The work boards the relation between workers, employers and Labor Justice, with approach in the interaction of the economical, social and politician factors involved. The main questions are: the annual variations of the processes received by the Labor Justice, the moments of tension between employers and employees, the claims, the expected benefits, the degree of political conscience of the workers, as well as the relation between Labor Justice and work movement. The objective is to understand, as well as to raise new discussions, about the way of use of the Labor Justice, whether for simple resolution of immediate questions or as instrument of improvement of work conditions. The research still boards the relation between promotion of justice and the possibility of existence of favorable tendencies for any of the wrapped groups


historia trabalhadores empresários estado justiça do trabalho workers employers state labor justice

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