Condições de Enfrentamento Psicológico de Trabalhadores Aeroportuários / PSCICOLOGIC COPING CONDITIONS OF AIRPORT WORKERS




This study aimed both to describe coping types used by airport workers and to identify signs and symptoms of psychiatric disorders of those workers. Participated in this study 203 workers using a coping scale EMEP (maturity scale for professional choice) and a measurement scale of psychiatric signs and symptoms QMPA (questionnaire of psychiatric morbidity of adults). The study indicated the predominance of positive strategies, such as: a) problem focused ones (3,78), meaning that there is an effort of the person to cope with stressful situations through the search of changes regarding himself/herself and the environment which is causing the tension; b) search for social support (3,13), denoting instrumental support search, emotional or informative character, i.e. while most of the sample had the most positive and integration strategies and had not also psychiatric symptoms and signs. There was therefore indicate that subject that shaped this sample submitted more positive responses in stressful situations cognitive in front of while they were not suspected of psychiatric symptoms; in addition to the fact that there has been a line between the measuring instruments used in this study. A small part of the sample showed psychiatric signs and symptoms (23,2 %), as well as a greater use of strategies focused on emotion (2,50), meaning, and strategies of negative coping. Although those represented a small number of the studied population, we believe it to be of concern, due to the fact that they are airport workers performing important functions both, in handling and in aircraft maneuvering at the ground, as well as regarding their way of dealing with people. This implies that the indicators of such signs and symptoms as well as the use of associated strategies which are considered to be negative show that this small group of workers should be accompanied by the Health and Human Resources team of the company. In this sense a job of constant accompaniment of workers in general is being suggested in order to identify those who need psychological and medical support and those who can be relocated within the airport to other functions. The accompaniment with adequate instruments, besides being a preventive strategy and a promotion of psychological health insofar as it can serve as a facilitator to the detection of mental symptomatology it can also serve to adequate planning of health programs. This aspect can be seen as a benefit at work and as a health predicting factor.(AU)


enfrentamento psicologia distúrbios psiquiátricos e psicologia organizacional coping, psychiatric disorders and organizational psychology

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