Condensação cromatinica e metilação de DNA investigadas em abelhas Melipona quadrifasciata e Melipona rufiventris (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) / Chromatin condensation and DNA methylation investigated in bees Melipona rufiventris and Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)




The genus Mellipona has been divided into two groups based on its heterochromatin content revealed by C-banding pattern in mitotic chromosomes. Melipona quadrifasciata and Melipona rufiventris show low and high heterochromatin content, respectively. Supposing that condensed chromatin may be rich in DNA methylated sequences, M quadrifasciata and M. rufiventris could, thus, show differences regarding their content of CpG methylated sequences. In this situation, such differences could be revealed by comparing the Feulgen-DNA values acquired after image analysis of cells treated with restriction enzymes Msp I and Hpa II, which distinguish between methylated and nonmethylated sequences. Msp I and Hpa II break the CCGG sequences. Nevertheless, Hpa II is ubable to break the DNA strand if the cytosine from the central nucleotide pair CG is methylated. In this work, Malpighian tubules from larvae from the last stage of M. quadrifasciata and M. rufiventris, subjected to the Feulgen reaction after by treatment with Msp I and Hpa II, were analysed in automatic scanning microspectrophotometry. Since a plasmal reaction was observed in this material, it was previously necessary the development of a methodological adjustement to make the Feulgen reaction specific to DNA. This was achieved by treatment of material with 5% sodium borohydrade followed by acetone-chloroform (1:1, v/v) before the Feulgen reaction. Also, although the definition of high and low heterochromatin content in Melipona after C-banding technique is not applicable to the chromatin of interphasic nuclei in Malpighian tubules of bees, it was demonstrated that DNA depurination in M. quadrifasciata was faster than that of M. rufiventris, thus confirming that this species has a higher condensed chromatin content. The Feulgen-DNA values for the heterochromatin of Melipona rufiventris, and for the heterochromatin besides some euchromatic domains of Melipona quadrifasciata, decreased after treatment with Msp I, remaining, however, unaltered after treatment with Hpa II. In conclusion, methylated CpG sequences may be part of different chromatin compartments, according to the considered species of the genus Melipona, and that their silencing effects may act by inducing the same cell physiology


image analysis analise de imagem dna restriction enzymes tubulos de mapighi dna methylation heterocromatina malpighian tubules heterochromatin metilação de dna enzimas de restrição do dna

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