Concepções de saúde na formação em enfermagem em escolas de graduação do Estado de Santa Catarina e da cidade do Porto em Portugual




This qualitative research approached the conceptions of health found in the nursing graduation schools situated in the state of Santa Catarina and in the city of Porto in Portugal. It aimed at acknowledging the way the conceptions of health can be apprehended from the documents of the graduation courses and the way they are expressed in the speeches of nursing professors and students. In order to reach that target, it was performed a documental analysis of the curricular benchmarks - course project, teaching plans # and interviews with the coordinators, with teachers of different subjects and modules that approach the conceptions of health, and with students of the last year of the graduation courses. I used the Discourse of the Collective Subject to organize the data, as it is an easy way to collect and describe qualitative data of verbal and written nature. The Collective Subject is produced in what we could possibly call singular first (collective) person. It is a syntactic self that expresses a collective reference as long as this self talks for or under the name of a collectivity (LEFÈVRE, 2005). After that, I performed a thematic content analysis (HSIEH; SHANNON, 2005) with the previous definition of two themes: professional education of nurses and the conceptions of health in the nursing courses. In Santa Catarina, the conceptions of health of the curricular reference documents follow the Health Organic Law and the National Curricular Parameters for nursing graduation courses; health is understood as a common right and a State duty, resulting from the ways of interaction of the human being in the social context; the philosophy that supports the construction of the concept of health is connected to the emphasis in public health; the ideal nurse should be generalist and should work on the promotion, protection, previous diagnosis, treatment, recuperation and rehabilitation of individual and collective health; life quality is present in the discourse about people#s global care. In the city of Porto, they follow the Study Plans of nursing licensing courses aiming the curricular approach to the parameters established by the Bologna Treat; the concept of health is seen under a psychosocial and holistic perspective, coming from a salutogenic model; the ideal nurse is the one who can manage the general nursing care for a healthy or ill person. In Santa Catarina, the change on the model of attention to health is a permanent worry. In the city of Porto, the individual learning process is valued, coming from the comfort with the unknown. The development of the present research led us consider that developing a study in two different cultures apart from the personal enrichment, showed to be useful and promising. Going deeper in the reminiscent data can represent an aggregated value, either to deepen new perspectives of the concept of health, or for the development of new research projects.


educação em enfermagem enfermagem educação em saúde enfermagem - estudo e ensino (superior) - brasil - portugal

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